Fixing stuff around yourself

Arslan Iqbal
2 min readDec 18, 2020

It is just another day and i’m doing an online course by Amal. I’m doing this on my dining table because are you brown enough if you don’t use your dining table as your study table? My mom have been telling me from past couple of days to clean this table because we are having guest this weekend and they’ll eat dinner at this table. This is how my table used to look


Now I’m a procrastinator, a trait i’m not very proud of but when i came to know what my project demand i thought this is the right moment to kill two birds with one stone by make my mother happy and to also do the project. Hence i gathered the courage to do some work and clean my table. this is how it looks now.


Pretty neat, right? That’s what i thought. got rid of all the books i don’t need right now and extra useless cables which was making my table look messy.

I realised how small of a thing it was which i was delaying since very long. I just started it and finished it it no time, This is what our whole life approach should be, not to be afraid of taking initiatives and getting it started. It’s giving me a sense of responsible and clean person who likes things to be organised.

Thankyou for reading my blog. Looking forward to your feedback.

