#JustStart your Goal

Arslan Iqbal
1 min readDec 18, 2020

Now in order to achieve my goal of becoming a CSS officer i have to make my critical thinking better and have to analyse a subject or topic critically. To make it happen i have to read opinions of analysts and acclaimed critical thinkers in daily Newspaper so i can view things from different perspecive. Now my attention span is very limited and i’m not the reading type of guy. it is the challenging task for me but i’ll try to do this and cross every hurdle that comes in my way of goal. After reading these opinions daily i feel myself very confdent on world matter and i’m able to give my suggestions because i am well informed on the current affairs topic. The feeling is very overwhelming.This is my first week, I will make this my habbit and devote certain amount of my time daily to this healthy activity along with other tasks which will be very beneficial for my Goal and career.

